Hi Nightscapers,
This blog will be really quick I just wanted to post about the social media accounts related to Nightscape Photographer.
We have a few thing’s on Facebook,
The Nightscape Photographer Facebook page, it’s a place on Facebook for me to share content relevant to this website, essentially it is Nightscape Photographer on Facebook.
Nightscape Photographers Australia – Facebook Group. The Australian based Night photography community related to this website, it is the biggest most active of it’s kind for Australian Night Photographers, feel free to join if you are located in Australia or planning to visit sometime. If you do please make sure you read the group guidelines on joining.
Nightscape Photographer – Global Community. I created this group as a global community for this website, anyone with an interest in Night photography is welcome to join. Again please read the group guidelines/rules when joining.
@nigthtscape_photographer is the direct Instagram account for the Nightscape Photographer website. Here I will feature photographers that tag the account along with post anything relevant to this website, so information about new posts, reviews, blogs etc, it’s just the Nightscape Photographer website on Instagram really.
Featured images may also be shared to the Nightscape Photographer Facebook page and Nightscape photographers Australia Facebook group (via the page), I will do my best to post relevant links and tag correctly, if for some reason I don’t on one of your pics just shoot a PM through with the link for the relevant social media and I will correct it as soon as I can.
You can join any of the above by either clicking on the links above or by clicking the relevant links in the sidebar. I really look forward to seeing your images/work in these social media communities.
Cheers Daniel Gangur