Andrew Burston – Cape Banks Lighthouse

by Daniel Gangur

Welcome again to the Nightscape Photographer featured image, today’s feature image above is by Andrew Burston and is titled Cape Banks Lighthouse.

Title Cape Banks Lighthouse

Location Cape Banks, Near Carpenters Rocks, Limestone Coast,  South Australia

Settings used RAW, 16mm focal length, F/2.8, ISO 3200, WB 3850K, Manual mode, manual focus. Captured as a single image.

Lighting No addition lighting

Gear Used

  • Nikon D750
  • Tokina 16-28mm F2.8
  • Velbon 600 tripod
  • IR remote release
  • Nikon viewfinder cover
  • Re-usable shopping bag full of rocks hanging from under the tripod to stop it blowing over (GREAT TIP!)


About the image

The image is of the Cape Banks Lighthouse at Carpenters Rocks, S 37° 53.885 E 140° 22.610   I was alone with my dog for company. The lighthouse is overlooking the beach where the historic shipwreck, The Admella lies underwater.

Another more modern shipwreck, a concrete 50ft yacht, The Pisces Star lies on the beach directly infront of this lighthouse, another great photography target.

 Taken 4/7/2019 6:17pm while the milky way core was in the correct position and towards the end of blue hour. I’d been thinking about this shot for a while and how to overcome the lighthouses light overpowering the milkyway while still capturing the beams of light from the lighthouse.

My solution was to shoot towards the end of blue hour when there is still some light in the sky as it was only just into a new moon.

While the milkyway doesn’t really pop like I prefer in my normal astro shots, it complements the sea mist blowing from the surf which the lighthouse has nicely lit up.

No additional lighting was used to illuminate the lighthouse. I’m really pleased with the minimalist look the photo has considering the mixed light.

There was some minor editing done in lightroom.

Social media, website links

Andrew Burston

I would like to thank Andrew Burston for supplying the above information and images for the feature. If you would like to see more of Andrews images you can see them here,



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Related links:

Basic night sky photography – How to 

Focussing on the stars – Obtaining sharp focus

Lens choice for night sky photography 

Nightscape Photographer social media 





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